Talent Recruitment

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We carry out the employment ideality of “Talents are the persons who do something”. From the date the employees enter into our company, we arrange suitable positions both for personal and company development according to their personal willingness. Meanwhile, we strengthen the training of professional knowledge and constantly improve the income level of employees, and at the same time, we pay attention to humanistic care and ability improvement, so as to retaining excellent employees, and guarantee spiritual and material benefits for the talents who make contributions to our company.

  • Educational training

    1.We pay much attention to employees' professional knowledge learning. And we constantly improve employees' professional knowledge level by organizing internal training, entrusting external units with short-term and long-term training, and inviting professionals to give lectures.
    2.Through reimbursement of expenses and other policies, employees are encouraged to actively participate in the learning of professional knowledge and skills, so as to continuously optimize the knowledge structure of the staff and improve the overall quality of the staff.
    3.We often carry out technical skill competitions and constantly establish and revise various skill assessment indicators to promote the enthusiasm of staff learning and improving skill operation level.

  • Career Planning

    1.Carrying out the principle of “the competent person gets the right position, and the incompetent gets away”, we strengthen the performance assessment of employees based on professional ethics. The assessment result will be an important basis for employee promotion, so that the talents who are useful for the development of the company, could have favorable position for the use of their skills.
    2.We improve the internal selection mechanism of employees. When there is a shortage of talents in key positions, first of all, we consider internal selection and promotion through the form of self-recommendation to improve the work enthusiasm of employees.

Position Job Type Work Place Time
Marketing planning Planner Yantai City 2020-08-27
Graphic Design Designer Yantai City 2020-08-27
Feed nutritionist Nutritionist Yantai City 2020-08-27
Director of Human Resources HR Director Yantai City 2020-08-27
Senior management of food/cooked food/prepared food/slaughtering Manager Yantai City 2020-08-27
R&D technician of organic fertilizer R&D technician Yantai City 2020-08-27
Organic fertilizer marketing manager Marketing manager Yantai City 2020-08-27
Civil Engineer Engineer Yantai City 2020-08-27
Legal Personnel Legal Affairs Yantai City 2020-08-20
System Specialist Administrative personnel Yantai City 2020-08-27